Friday, November 18, 2016

Annabel: I'm Back!

Friend walks up to a girl while she is studying on the couch.  The Friend puts a stapled pile of papers in front of her and asks, “Annabel, did you print this out?”

(The view at right is the cover page) Annabel studies the page for a bit.  She stares at her Friend and says, “Yes. Thank you.”

The Friend is about to leave, and then they ask another question, “What are you studying, or what is it about? I skimmed through and found a couple of edits and errors within your piece.  I did not understand one thing about what it said.”

“It's cool.  I am still editing the essay.  Currently it's in the planning stages.  The essay that I'm writing will be on symbolism.”

“Ok then.  Can you be more descriptive?”

Annabel takes a long sigh and then speaks, “I am writing an essay about symbols for the Edge blog.  You know that right?”

The Friend nods their head.  Annabel continues, “As you know I am a senior preparing for college.  So, since I am not the strongest with completing tasks, I thought of writing an essay, having no idea how long it will be and then posting it.  I will be reading two books for the essay in the meanwhile.”

The Friend says, “Oh is that what's on your lap?  The book, what is it called?”

Annabel says, “Yes, this book is The Man and His Symbols, by Carl Jung.  I have only read a little bit, but I really like it.  I don't have the other book I am reading with me, but it will be The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown.”

“Cool.  Is that what you mainly do on your laptop? Is it research?”

“Yes and no.”

“What do you mean?”

Annabel glares, annoyed and suspicious, at the Friend, “What's your name again?  It doesn't make sense that you're just standing here long? 20 minutes?”

The Friend says, “One:  it is sad that you cannot recognize me, but I am keeping myself anonymous.  This is because my work will come later.  Anyway, besides researching, what else?”

“Besides school work for Kildonan, I listen to music, watch short videos on YouTube to regain my sanity, research for the essay, and play around on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.  Sometimes I just get bored of all of that, and I write.”

“Oh, cool.  Want to talk about something else?”


“Are you staying for once this weekend?”

“I'm sorry.  I'm not.”

The Friend crosses their arms and cocks their head, “Why not?”

“I thought I told you.  I have a class on the weekend in the city at FIT?”

“Oh, right.  I forgot.  Sorry about that.  What classes are you taking again?”

“It's fine.  I'm taking two classes in the city.  My first one is an introduction to Adobe Illustrator.  The second one is a styling class.”


A voice comes from the peanut gallery and says, “Hey, Annabel we need to go to our next class.”

Annabel starts to pack up her stuff in her nice black backpack.  She says, “See ya next time, Friend-whose-name-I've-forgotten.  I need to go to my Social Problems class.  You can ask me more about it at dinner.”

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful essay! It's nice to see a student interested in Jung and The Man and His Symbols. So much great material there!
